Visit and organize a round table meeting with the Hong Kong Electronic Industry Association
Participating in the meeting with the delegation of IPAVIETNAM, there were about 20 member enterprises of HKEIA who are interested in the Vietnamese market and want to find reliable partners for investment cooperation.

HKEIA (The Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association Limited) was established in 1980. The missions and objectives of the HKEIA are to promote and foster the interests of Hong Kong’s electronics industry and business communities; represent the views of electronics industry and advise the government and other public bodies on policies and legislation affecting the industry; sponsor trade fairs, trade missions, seminars, and other promotional activities in Hong Kong, China or overseas with the aim of helping members raise their technology level in the industry; advance and promote commercial and technical education, and to conduct charitable activities as part of its social responsibilities and; collect and disseminate statistical and other information relating to the Electronics Industry.
Overview of the Seminar between the delegation of IPA Vietnam and the leaders of HKEIA and Hong Kong businesses
Participating in the meeting with the delegation of IPA Vietnam, there were about 20 member enterprises of HKEIA who are interested in the Vietnamese market and want to find reliable partners for investment cooperation. At the meeting, the representative of IPA Vietnam presented to Hong Kong businesses 5 contents related to business investment activities in Vietnam, including socio-economic overview, FDI attraction situation, reasons for doing business in Vietnam. why should invest in Vietnam, investment policies and procedures and orientation to attract FDI of the Vietnamese government in the current context.
Photo section with all delegates at the meeting
Regarding networking activities at the meeting, the delegation members exchanged business cards to have a deeper approach to potential projects. For projects moving from China, HKEIA requests that the Vietnamese side find suitable partners to cooperate with the initial implementation, and then move the entire production line from China to Vietnam. This is also a good opportunity for domestic enterprises to access new investment capital as well as technology and management level of FDI enterprises.
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