Distance to Da Nang Int airport: 10 km
Distance to the Tien Sa seaport: 5 km
Distance to Da Nang city: 10 km
Infrastructure situation
Construction density: ≤60% of total leased land area Height limit: +4,6m Electricity National grid: 110/22 KV Capacity: 80MVA, wiring system 2KV also available Water supply plant is expected to be built with a capacity of 21,600 m3/day Water plant: Capacity 210.000m3/day Wastewater treatment plant:
- Has been installed along the internal road of the industrial park.
- The wastewater treatment plant has a treatment capacity of 5,000m3/day.
Corporate Income Tax:
- Since 2016, the corporate income tax rate is 20%.Exemption of Export-Import Tax
- Imported equipment, machineries to create fixed assets of projects will be tax exemption.
- For the imported materials to produce export goods have been paid import tax, this tax amount refund corresponding to import duty rate of exported products in fact.
Address: 61A Nguyen Van Cu, Hoa Hiep Bac Ward, Lien Chieu District, Da Nang City, Vietnam
Tel: (84,236) 3770998 | Fax: (84,236) 3770997
Email: Nhi.le@dananginvest.com - Ms. Nhi: +84 908 312030
Website: www.dananginvest.com