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HPE Vietnam Trading And Service Co., Ltd

HPE Vietnam Trading And Service Co., Ltd
Lot 20-A1, Le Duc Tho Road, My Dinh 2 Ward, Nam Tu Liem District, Ha Noi, VietNam
Tel: N/A
Fax: N/A
Industry/Sector: Manufacturing & Processing Industry
Product/Service: Mechanical Cutting Tools 
Main market: Vietnam 

Our Profile

Company name: HPE Vietnam Trading And Service Co., Ltd
Established year: N/A
Number of employees: N/A
Main business: Industrial Equipment 
Product/Service: Mechanical Cutting Tools 
Major clients: Vietnam 

Brief introduction:

Formerly known as Weldtec Joint Stock Company, in 2020, we established a new company with the name HPE Vietnam Trading and Service Company Limited. Our aim is to focus on Cutting Tools, Holders, equipment, advanced technology and solutions to optimize the production process of Molds and Dies, Mass Production and Parts Manufacturing Industry in Vietnam.
HPE Vietnam is the long-term official distributor for Moldino (Japan), NT Tools (Japan)
Our products include:

▲ Moldino brand: Carbide end mills, 4 flute high efficiency ball end mill, indexable tool, threading tool, etc.
▲ NT Tools brand: Tool presetters, milling chuck, arbors, collet holder, tapping chuck, etc.
▲ NT Mevius brand: Preset screw, retention stud, etc.
HPE Vietnam Trading and Service Company Limited`s mision is to be your partner in production for High Precision and Product Excellence. With our expertise and long-time experience, we are looking for alternatives to increase Production quality, reduce Cost and increase Productivity by our Process Optimization method.
Our typical clients: Yamaha, VPIC, HTMP, HTVJ, Honda, Kyoei, Nisin, TMT Vietnam Group, Sumitomo,..

Products Services

    • 4 Flutes High Efficiency Ball End Mill
    • Carbide End Mills
    • Epoch Deep Ball Evolution Hard
    • Epoch Panacea Series
    • Epoch Pencil Deep Ball Evolution
    • Exchangable Head End MillIndexable Tools
    • NSB Drills
    • Threading Tools

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